I was initially shocked to hear of the death of one of my favorite screen actors. However, as the information surrounding his overdose grew, I was not surprised that Mr. Hoffman met such an early end to his life. It appears that Philip was addicted to opiates, amphetamines, and other mood-altering substances at the time of his overdose. He was first treated for addiction over 20 years ago and reportedly was able to maintain sobriety. After a brief stay at a rehab last year, it appears that he relapsed and struggled with maintaining recovery from these substances.
We are currently in a very toxic arena of synthetic and warehouse-made "street drugs." Dr. Drew Pinsky reported this morning on CNN, that more people will die from an overdose from opiates in the U.S. by March 2014, than were killed in the World Trade Center disaster. Too many people are taking very serious and deadly drugs with, or without a prescription. The combination of some of these drugs are deadly. We've seen it time and time again in the news with other deceased celebs!
The disease of addiction does not discriminate. If you find yourself, or a loved one, seeking drugs or alcohol to change their mood with noticeable behavioral or personality changes, then please contact a professional today and get help! We are here at Main Line Recovery to assist you and your family member affected by alcohol or drug addiction. Contact us today.
May Philip's children, partner and family be supported in this time of grief.
Dr. Heran