Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The heaviest cell phone in the world!

There comes a time in early in recovery that you are faced with the choice of succumbing to cravings, or picking up the phone and calling a relative stranger you met in the rooms and be vulnerable with him about feeling weak and unsure about your situation. We use social networking each and everyday by either keeping track of our Facebook account, LinkedIn, incessant texting, etc. However, when the thought of reaching out and making the call to a guy you just met at a meeting last Thursday becomes necessary...the phone can look and feel very heavy! Especially when reaching out for help when these raw feelings are no longer anesthetized!
The importance of that first call can be life changing. Admitting that you are vulnerable and needing help is the foundation of personal transformation and recovery. When you finally make the call and receive a caring individual who is willing to walk you through the moments, with all of its angst, you've made it!
Be courageous and make the call. Understand that the past behaviors of isolation and indecisiveness were part of your active addiction and preventing you from experiencing life fully.
Embrace the call and do not look are not alone!

Dr. Heran

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